Estimate Resources


InEight Control refers to labor, equipment, material, installed equipment, and supplies as resources. You will use these resources as the basic building blocks for detailing the estimated costs which creates your budget.

The Project library contains all resources used to estimate costs for the cost items within the CBS.

Most of your CBS cost detail will import directly from InEight Estimate, but you may need to create additional cost item detail for conforming your budget and creating change orders.

Estimate resources in the Project library are organized into seven resource types:




The human resources that do the work, classified by trade (e.g., pipefitters, electricians, iron workers).

Construction Equipment

Owned construction equipment.

Rented Construction Equipment

Construction equipment rented from a third party.

Installed Material

Materials that will remain installed on site after the project is completed, (e.g., concrete, piping, aggregate).

Installed Equipment

Equipment that will remain installed on site after the project is completed, (e.g., boilers, heat exchangers, vessels, cooling towers).


Expendable items that will not be permanently installed (e.g., small tools, consumables).


Resources that are of a “unique” nature and do not fit well into the other types (e.g., dump fees, hauling charges and equipment rented by the month, and subcontracted work).

Estimate resources are the equivalent of the Resource Rate Register in InEight Estimate.

You can access the Estimate resources page from the home page slide-out menu:

  1. From Menu > Control > Workspaces > Project Library and then selecting the Estimate Resources tab.

  2. Another way to access Estimate Resources is from the CBS page. Highlight a line item and hovering over the number in the Resource column for that cost item, as shown below.

    • As a result, the Resource Summary window appears, where you can select Resource Library to open the Project library

Overview – Estimate Resources




Resource Type

The seven resource categories for organizing your resources.


Resource Code

Alphanumeric label to quickly identify resources.



Additional label to provide more resource detail.


Default Quantity

The quantity the resource will have by default when it is assigned to a cost item.


Unit of Measure

The unit the resource is measured by.


Utilization Count

The number of units of that resource being used in the project.


C E-Unit Cost (Scale 1)

The resource’s rate per unit.


Cost Driver

Tells you what drives the cost for that resource when it is assigned to a cost item (cost, quantity, or fixed).


Account Code

Code assigned to resources for accounting and benchmarking purposes.

You can add additional estimate resources to the library by selecting the Add estimate resource icon.  

  • The Add labor estimate resource screen opens.

To add a resource to the correct resource type, make sure you are on the appropriate resource type tab (Labor, Construction Equipment, etc.) before clicking on the Add icon.

Resource Billable Rates

Within the Resource Rates tab, you can import, modify and add billable rates to estimate resources. This is particularly helpful on time and material or cost plus contracts to drive accurate invoicing.

Resource billing rates are also used for Forecast final revenue, as it will rely on the billing rates of the resources on the cost items that are assigned to pay items. These values generate revenue forecast for cost items that are associated to a cost plus or time & material (billing method) pay item.

Create a Labor Resource

  1. In the Steel Structure Training Job, select Menu > Control > Workspaces and make sure you are on the CBS tab.

  2. Hover over the number under the Resource column of the Task Details data block for a subordinate cost item.

  3. Select Resource Library from the Resource summary window.

  4. With the Labor resource type selected, click on the Addestimate resource icon. 

  5. Fill in the blanks with the following:

    • Code:  Lab001-XX (XX your initials)

    • Description:  Welder

  6. Scroll down to Default Quantity and change the value from 0 to 1.

  7. Select the Resource Rates tab.

  8. Select the Labor cost category and type 50.00 in the Scale 1 unit cost.

  9. Scroll down to the Resource Rates and enter in values for the following Billing Rates:

    • Scale 1

    • Scale 2

    • Scale 3

  1. Click Add to add the new resource to the register of estimated resources.

Now that you have created a resource, you will add this resource to the Erect Steel – Heavy cost item in your Project.

Add Resource to Job

  1. From the Steel Structural Training Job, make sure you are in the CBS.

  2. Right click on your subordinate cost item.

  3. Select Cost item details.

  4. Select the Resources tab.

  5. Select Add estimate resource.

  6. Click Add.